24 April 10
~Well, it's "go time" phase 1. But now would be a good time to bear in mind that nothing is certain until it happens. And even then . . . *shrug*~"Life's tough. That's why we have cookies!"--Caleb
~is in the downstairs bathroom. With both kids, the cat, and the dog waiting out a tornado warning. Figured we might as well clean it!
~ </3
~ </3
25 April 10
~Day One. Almost done!~heard from Corey this morning!15 May 10
17 May 10
19 May 10
20 May 10
~Connor is competing at a State language coompetition in Lexington today! He finished Reading and German Choir is next!
~Ready for some girl time, doing what girls love to do? Shop and try on clothes? Actually, I normally hate trying on clothes, but I LOVE these! They're made for REAL bodies (LOL). So get a babysitter, grab a friend and come on over. But be sure to RSVP, cuz I want to have enough goodies for everyone =D
~"What is Poverty Anyway?" by Bryant Myers (1997) "Deficit . . broken relationships . . . misused power . . . fear . . .Challenging the poverty-creating nature of power demands the transformational power of the gospel. It is about personal sin and social sin. Only the good news--all of it--contains the hope that the poor will one day be able to build houses and live in them.”
~just keeps adding words to the paper. Hopefully it will make sense to the professor.
is competely out of wit. Can't figure out a cool and lighthearted way to announce that I ~just finished my last project for my class. Gonna go watch a movie wtih my boys now. =D
~just realized that I completed the hardest class of my graduate career so far while taking a 10 day vacation AND the emotional and confusing time of Corey deploying. And I think I'm going to pull out an A!!! *pats self on the back*.~snarkist.
17 May 10
~You guys all need to quit wishing people a happy birthday a day early. You're scaring me. Honestly!!!
18 May 10
~really missing my honey today--but really excited for Corie Weathers and Matthew Weathers today! Your reunion gives me hope for ours to come!!
~Why is there always one Christmas ornament left out for months after Christmas is over? What does it take to get every item back in the boxes and put away??
~Guess whose kid is in the top TEN for his class at his high school? MINE!! I can prove it-he has certification!!
19 May 10
~It's ok, Tony Horton, you just go on ahead without me! I'll catch ya later . . . I wish :)
~the 101st AB division cased its colors today in recognition of the departure of the division from Ft. Campbell, KY. They will be "uncased" when the division returns . . .
20 May 10
~must be the only parent who does not believe in leaving her teenage kids home alone when their friends are here if a) I have not talked to said kids' parents to see how they feel about them being here without a parent and/or b) if one (or more) of them is a girl. I'm probably never gonna live this down.
21 May 10
~only accomplished two things today. Who knew The Count of Monte Cristo was so long?
22 May 10
~heading toward the one month mark!
~Congratulations to all graduates that I know! If I could, I'd go to your page personally and leave you a message! I hope this works for you, though!
~on School of Rick [sic], "I'm not saying he's not teaching them important stuff. But he's not teaching them history and English and math and English. And did I say English?"
23 May 10
~I think I gain weight just from thinking about eating the cake ;-)
~Don't anybody tell me what happens on LOST. I'm actually going to start watching it tomorrow. That's right. The day after the season/series finale, I'm finally gonna start watching it :)
~is enjoying Olive Garden with my boys!~has no idea how the homework got done!
26 April 10
~would recommend investing in the United States Postal Service--if it were a publicly traded company. Anybody know? I'm probably going to keep it in business single handedly =D
27 April 2010
~Hey, Melanie Keene Twite my dog now smells like coconuts! Thanks for the plug about the doggie cologne!!~has no earthly explanation for the feeling of peace and general well-being.
28 April 10
~Just hsaf [sic] my stomach pierced. By the cat's claw as he climbed over me to get to his spot.29 April 10
~is gonna throw together a salad faster than anybody's business and run out the door for classroom observation and will hopefully get about a week's worth of school done in one afternoon, with a break to help Connor get practice behind the wheel of our stick shift and make it to the chiropractor on time. Ready? BREAK!!
~gets to see Trace Hopkins Hinckley tomorrow!!
30 April 10
~had an (almost) hour long convo with Corey this morning! I think I need to charge my phone again already! =D
~heading out to teach a first grade reading lesson this morning! Pray for those kids!!! Haha :)
~wonders if anyone else thinks the beginning guitar strains of the "hell freezes over" recording of "Hotel California" eerily resembles "El Condor Pasa?"
1 May 10
~keeping up with commo with a deployed soldier feels like a full time job sometimes ;-) But it's worth it! We are so glad to have Trace Hopkins Hinckley here. She spent the morning giving Connor music lessons and talking about being open to what God has in store for her!one down: 51 to go?
~I wonder if a tornado warning is going to mark off each week of this deployment?
~I wonder if a tornado warning is going to mark off each week of this deployment?
2 May 10
~'s house is on lakefront property . . .~had four dogs this weekend. One was named Rainy and another is named Lightening. I wonder if all this was their fault?? Rainy already left for home and the rain has lightened up already . . .~Does anyone know if the link that some ppl are posting that says "Guys! You have to see this! Disney's most shocking hidden message!" is a virus or not? Even if it's not, you should be careful before clicking on stuff--just to be safe!
3 May 10
~Well, it's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!! Weird ;-)~is in need of a stud-finder. Anyone know if there's an app for that?? (and now, I'll just sit back and see how that goes over!! (LOL)
4 May 10
~improvise. overcome. adapt. yep.~totally underestimated the amount of flooding in the Nashville area! Some very promininent landmarks are flooded: The Grand Ole Opry being one.~Is my kid the only one who writes, "lifetime supply of noodles" in the shopping list?~needs a preschooler and an elementary age child to give reading assessments to before May 16 in fulfillment of the class I'm taking: Reading and Language Acquisition! Any takers? 5 May 10~Information on the flooding and ways to help can be found here (as well as through The Red Cross).http://www.michaelwsmith.com/news.html?n_id=1197
~"Hey! Is thing thing working?" *smacks cell phone a couple times into hand* "Ring, will ya?"~can not describe the experience of relief from knowing that Corey Arnold 's traveling is finished. For now. Hoping he gets some sleep and lots of it ♥~NewSpring Thrift Store (Clarksville) is actively participating in flood relief by issuing clothing vouchers to victims through Rog Hill & Grace Community Church. You can help with the effort by (1) donating clothing and/or (2) volunteering at the Clarksville store to sort/tag/hang the clothes. Go to the store anytime d...uring operating hours (9-6) or call Lawrence Gunnells for details: 615-509-7622~This dodgeball game is bringng back memories of the Christian Children's Ranch. There's a smackdown in the air.~is one lucky chick! Got "selected" for a vehicle inspection at the gate. I'm sure I looked scary with my carload of teenagers coming back from youth group =/6 May 10~has nothing to report.~but Connor is sore and offered to let me borrow his status in lieu of the nothing i just posted.7 May 10~wants to wish Amy Clute, David Keen, Jodi Taylor, Robyn Slavich, and Tony Cole a very happy birthday--cuz you're my fb birthday twins! And I don't want to forget Bill Smith either 1971-2001. Have a great day!~loves the senior spouses of the 1-32 Cav! What a great group to turn 39 with :)
8 May 10
~Thanks to everyone for taking the time to wish me a happy birthday yesterday! I had a really good day. Now to wish all those military spouses a Happy Military Spouse Appreciation day (one day late!) You know who you are--Hooah!~forgot to have any coffee today, and it's too late now! Bummer. ~watching Mr. Holland's Opus with the boys. Never gets old! 9 May 10~On this day, 23 years ago, Corey asked .e [sic] to be his girlfriend!! Happy anniversary, honey!~Iron Man II contained lots (and lots) of broken . . . er stuff, notably glass, and a few too many (sorry ladies) tonystarkisms. But it definitely delivered!10 May 10~is heading to Nashville for a youth suicide prevention seminar lead by The Jason Foundation's Clark Flatt. www.jasonfoundation.com~at Caleb's insistence, is watching Luther.
~"Hey! Is thing thing working?" *smacks cell phone a couple times into hand* "Ring, will ya?"~can not describe the experience of relief from knowing that Corey Arnold 's traveling is finished. For now. Hoping he gets some sleep and lots of it ♥~NewSpring Thrift Store (Clarksville) is actively participating in flood relief by issuing clothing vouchers to victims through Rog Hill & Grace Community Church. You can help with the effort by (1) donating clothing and/or (2) volunteering at the Clarksville store to sort/tag/hang the clothes. Go to the store anytime d...uring operating hours (9-6) or call Lawrence Gunnells for details: 615-509-7622~This dodgeball game is bringng back memories of the Christian Children's Ranch. There's a smackdown in the air.~is one lucky chick! Got "selected" for a vehicle inspection at the gate. I'm sure I looked scary with my carload of teenagers coming back from youth group =/
11 May 10
~is very busy procrastinating. It's taking so much of my time, I don't think I will get anything done today . . .=/
12 May 10
~So, how are all you 1-32 Cav spouses doing?
~has not had a bad time at all so far being involuntarily separated from Corey Arnold. There've been a few behavior issues, but the boys and I sat down and talked about it . . . and I agreed to behave myself from now on!! =D
~cannot do another keystroke of homework. It's gonna hafta wait til tomorrow!!
13 May 10
~was so intent on procrastinating on homework that the entire house is now clean--and we're not even expecting company! Can't have any now. Still doing homework.
~is gathered with about 3000 of my closest friends awaiting a VIP appearance!!
shook hands with Afghan President Karzai, looked him n the eye and thanked him for coming to thank our soldiers.
~Today, I was privileged to sit in front of the Afghanistan president and hear him tell how his country has changed for the better since allying with the US forces (as well as other countries).
~is very excited about Bastogne Homefires tonight! I wasn't sure what to expect, but after talking to some of the organizers, it sounds like it will be a BLAST!! Any other 1st BCT spouses gonna be there?
~Something Pres. Karzai said today struck me: Ten years ago in Afghanistan--a country of 25 million people--about 700,000 children attended school. Today, there are 7 million children attending school in Afghanistan!!! "He who opens a school door, closes a prison door." --Victor Hugo