We end with everyone’s favorite portion--Evening Gown. Who doesn’t love to feel like a million bucks in a beautiful gown? I had bought my gown for $10.00 at a thrift store (and found out my second time wearing it that my neighbor had been the one who consigned it--lol!) I had it altered a bit and cleaned. In my opinion, it was a truly flattering piece on me! My coach, Christina Sacha, helped me find an affordable bib necklace to give it some sparkle. I had bought my stage shoes weeks earlier and found them to be incredibly comfortable, I mean, for a pair of 4” heels with a ¾” platform! My hair was beautifully sculpted by the amazing DJ of Timothy D's A Salon. My makeup was artfully applied by the talented Heathyrre Kautz. I looked mahvelous if I do say so myself :)
I would have changed a few things about my evening gown performance, but I can assure you that I did the best I have ever done before in this area of competition. We don't need to dwell on what I'd change. I walked more gracefully. I held myself better with improved posture. And I enjoyed every second on stage.
So why do I pageant? I do it because every time I have competed, I improve a little bit and these improvements give me confidence in all areas of my life from being a wife, a mom of grown men, and as a teacher. Additionally, I would never have met some of the most incredible, fascinating, driven, kind, and beautiful women that I have if I decided that pageanting was just not for me. I don’t have time to tell you all about the ladies I got to know well (and I would hate to accidentally leave anyone out), but my life is richer for having spent the weekend getting to know them and I pray that our relationships continue to grow. And those are only the women that I truly spent time with; Every contestant was amazing in her own way and impacted those around her tremendously!
If you have ever considered competing in a pageant, but any of these statements have flitted through your head
“I’m not pretty enough,” every woman is pretty enough, including YOU! Our contestants ranged in age from 21 to over 65, with every body type, hairstyle and color, and size.
“My story is not that compelling,” but it’s your story and you are the only one who can tell it!
“I could never win,” it’s not about winning--it’s about the journey!
“I’m too scared,” one of our contestants was TERRIFIED the night of orientation and by the time we got to the stage portion, she was having the time of her life. She was like a different woman.
And that is what this is all about--being the best version of yourself that exists, learning to capitalize on your strengths, and drawing from the strength of all the other women competing with you.
Signing off for the last time, I am YOUR Mrs. Fort Carson 2021!
Chris Arnold
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Photo by Megan Anderson of Graphique Fine Art Photography. |