Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deployment Journal Month 10

(This includes our two weeks of R&R, but it's 2011 now!)

Jan 24
I've been waiting to post this for a long time. Well, actually for exactly 9 months (no, it's not THAT, silly)--toDAY marks the 9th month of deployment. I'll never forget Corey breaking formation to get one more hug before gathering with his unit at the staging area. It was pouring rain and believe it or not, a tornado was brewing. I came home soaked from rain and tears! 3 months to go—
Jan 25
"I had a classroom full of new Americans eager to not understand a word I said." Earl (and my new motivation for teaching.)
just explained to Caleb Arnold that when we had a dog named Smokey, we went in search of another dog just so we could name it Bandit. "Wait," he said, "So that's a real movie?"
"Is it any good?"
"I don't know. I've never seen it."
tuned in too late to listen to the SOTU address. Caught the last 3 minutes. =/
Jan 26
thinks Connor Arnold comes up with some good ones sometimes. "You know, there are some really interesting band names out there. I'm really kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't think of 'poptart monkeys' first."
Jan 27
21st wedding anniversary today. Anniversary present is on the way! Gonna stay busy subbing at the middle school, OK?
So here is the blog I started. The next several entries will consist of a month's worth of my facebook statuses from the beginning of this deployment. It's the lazy person's journal!!
This is the longest week in the history of the world . . .
Jan 28
Yes, patience *is* a virtue, but it's not *my* virtue. At least not right now =/
Jan 29
Heading out to pick up a soldier. I hope it's the one I ordered!!!!! ;-)
The eagle has landed. Well, he landed at 11:45, but I've just always wanted to say that =D
Jan 31
just realized the gravity of the mistake of giving Ross Knudsen their address and remembering the last time when he and Byron Scott Rolfsness "stopped by for a visit" in the wee hours of the morning . . .
Feb 1
Favorite Corey quote so far: "I was just distracted by your beauty" he said without taking his eyes off the TV while playing a video game with Caleb, after I noted out loud that I could see he was distracted and hadn't heard a word I said :) It's like he never left
Negative 11, Denver? Glad this isn't our final stop! :-)
Feb 2
Immensely enjoying the view from our new home. Wishing we could live here right now!!
Feb 3
An anonymous guest at Applebee's just had the bartender offer him a drink or dessert. I'm hoping he'll choose the Maple Blondie ;-)
Feb 5
created an event to recruit volunteers for the Military Child Education Coalition's Tell Me A Story event on Feb. 27! If you are interested in helping, let me know and feel free to voun-tell your friends ;-)
Feb 6
Was troubled when we left for church this morning but I found comfort before leaving.
Stopped into Q'doba for lunch and was surprised to not see the Adams here!
appreciates it when people appreciate my husband's military service, but U Swirl yogurt has the most generous discount we've encountered yet. You should try it!
Feb 7
Working on a story map with Caleb. We're bonding.
Feb 8
2nd favorite Corey quote, "See, that's why I need you honey--to help me figure me out!"
Please pray fir a former student who is fighting for her life on life support. She is in our prayers.
If we lived here, we'd be home already =/
Feb 9
is back in Kentuckessee, enjoying the rest of R&R as a family on this snowy early school dismissal day. I wish the fridge had been full of non-expired food when we got in though.
Had the commissary all to ourselves by going after the snow had accumulated some! I'm going to remember this next time I need to go shopping :)
You've never seen 4 people more excited--adults included--that Ft Campbell schools are closed tomorrow!!
Feb 10
Third favorite Corey quote, "Today is the kind of day I want to kick the cat outside just to make sure he never wants to go out again!!"
was checking facebook for school closures/delays tomorrow when Caleb said, "should I pour a bucket of water on the road?" "You're gonna need more than one!"
Feb 11
I got to do three of my favorite things today: 1) sleep in, 2) spend the day with my husband, and 3) eat chocoloate!!
Feb 12
Fourth favorite Corey quote (and maybe actually the best one!) "I'm not interested in normal. Look what normal has gotten America: obesity, debt, divorce, and dissatisfaction. There's just something wrong with normal!"
Is gonna watch Tangled with the family. Do not spoil the ending, please! :)
I forgot to mention that I sent off my student teaching application online today. I'd been holding on to it for a couple of days just to make sure I had every T crossed and every I dotted, but I always found something to fix every time, so I finally just said a prayer and submitted it.
Feb 13
Doesn't hold anything against Monday based on its own merit. It's not Monday's fault that it's the first day of the work week so I try to cut it some slack, but I already hate tomorrow and it hasn't even gotten here yet.
Feb 14
. . . And the last favorite thing that Corey said to me was, "See you in a couple months--l love you!" I love You, too and I'm really proud of you!
Feb 15
So exactly why is it that the world can't stop for just a few days while I get my bearings again? It just doesn't seem like too much to ask ;-)
Feb 16
Heading to Barkley Elementary this morning at 11am to give a workshop on "Test Taking Tips" to the parents in preparation for the upcoming Terra Nova testing. I hope I'm not upstaged by Fmr. Pres. Bush or the OSC Luncheon--which is giving free spa services to those who attend! if you have any compassion, you'll come to my workshop for moral support ;)
is enjoying the statuses of friends from Idaho describing the weather with words like "phenomenon," "anomaly," and "dippin dots!"
Feb 17
wonders if she's the only one who thinks to herself in facebook status--"Chris Arnold is questioning the wisdom of steaming her shirt whilst wearing it," " . . . can't believe she left the house without makeup on this morning," "I am Jack's smirking revenge . . ." --Wait!! Scratch that last one!
Feb 18
Off to sub for the art teacher today. They really ought to screen their subs a little better ;-)
had a favorite moment today. It went like this: from art, I went to a SS teacher's classroom, "Oh, the sub's here already," the teahcer was surprised. "Sub?!" remarked a 6th grader, "I thought she was a STUDENT!!" I hope he at least thought I was in 8th grade =/
Feb 19
I found out UNofficially that I passed my VA state tests!!
I think Connor Arnold is subjecting his bandmates to a psychological profile. Don't answer his questions, guys. It's a trap!!!
Please tell me which you prefer--Combustible Planets or Broken Mirrors? Don't ask. Just vote. Thanks :)
"Is this movie going to be in black & white?" asked Caleb Arnold as we started "Catch 22." "It's not *that* old!" I retorted. "Things from the 70's are *not* that old!"
Feb 20
Hey Fort Campbell families, Tuesday is the last day to register for Tell Me A Story! You must register in person at the RF Sink Library, but the library is closed tomorrow for Presidents' Day. Help spread the word!!
Feb 21
might be getting a cold. I'm trying to reschedule it for next week instead. And I want some cake.
How do you know when poke war has ended?
Feb 23
Connor Arnold and his band currently known as "Nothing Rhymes with Orange," are auditioning for the high school talent show as we speak.
I would like my Facebook friends to comment on this status, sharing how you met me. But I want you to LIE. That's right, just make it up. After you comment, copy this to your status, so I can do the same. I bet half won't read the instructions right!

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