Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deployment Journal Month 9

(We could have had a baby by now.  Remember, all statuses were posted in 2010.  Again, I apologize for the horrendous formatting.)

24 December
This Christmas Eve is brought to you by the number 8/12ths which, when reduced, represents that there is only 1/3rd left in this deployment!! Merry Christmas!!
wonders if Santa made it to Afghanistan yet. Merry Christmas Corey Arnold . . .
Merry Christmas! (well, in 25 minutes anyway!)
25 December
Chris Arnold‎, Corey Arnold, Connor Arnold, and Caleb Arnold now own a home in Idaho! The papers for which were signed, notarized, and FedExed from Minnesota, on behalf on one family member who is on the other side of the world, even though the Army has them stationed in Kentucky :) How's that for an international transaction?
watch CBS Evening News right now to catch a story about our soldiers celebrating Christmas in the Middle East including our own 1-32 Cav!
To all my Army spouse friends--these last two days, for some, were the probably the hardest ones during a deployment--even harder than all the missed birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays. If you can do this, you can do ANYthing and you're doing awesome! Your soldier should be very proud :)
26 December
Hugging my kids last night, Caleb asked me "What's the day after Christmas called?" I said, "It's called 'the day after Christmas' sometimes called' Dec 26th."
Has endured airport security 3 times today. I'm not sure, but I might be legally married to a TSA agent now (in some states, anyway}.
27 December
Thankful for the Anderson family who landed in Roanoke with me and offered to give me a ride to my hotel at 2 in the morning.
28 December
is evidently NOT smarter than a 5th grader. At least not according to the Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Abilities Assessment. Please don't tell my professors ;-)
Lead me not into . . . facebook, but deliver me from evil. For I have much school work to do forever and ever. Amen.
29 December
Food is allowed in the library at Liberty. I tested just to make sure by popping a snack in my mouth right in front of the librarian!
Oh, and one of my classmates is from Idaho! I found out because he was wearing a BSU hoodie. I'm quite observant that way :)
30 December
Really loved meeting a wonderful new friend this week, Cheryl Ann Jarmon! Thanks for makin this week fun :)
30 December
would like to extend condolences to all my photog friends who are mourning the end of an era--I guess they took your Kodachrome away :(
31 December
I guess my new year's resolution is to finish my MAT degree. At least there's only one . . .
is it New Year's in Afghanistan yet? Our turn is coning up. Can't wait fir 2021!!
[the typos on this status garnered several interesting responses from my “friends”]
Intensive #2 complete. Final intensive starts Monday.
it doesn't matter how you ring in the new year. What matters is what you do with the 365 days ahead. Happy new year every one. I'm going to bed!
1 January 2011 (!)
note to self (or anyone who'll listen) find out if your bottled water is carbonated before you toss it into your rental car & before you twist off the cap!!
3 January
I aint scared o' no Monday!
Okay Pug owners (yeah, I'm talking to you Julie Landon and Lisa Muth Jenkins!) My good friend's sister and her boyfriend produced this Doritos commercial that is among the top 5 contenders to win a commercial spot on Superbowl Sunday! Help them win by voting every day =D
4 January
got my hands on a flat rate shipping box. Now I need some packing tape. I will never take car ownership for granted again! (Thanks for chauffeuring me around Melissa Settje Ice).
5 January
might be completely out of words. Weird
6 January
a little tired of watching the same 4 commercials on an endless cycle and now realize that I do not miss cable TV. However, I am strangely intrigued by the manner in which pharm commercials disclose side effects as if they were a selling point.
7 January
spent so much energy preparing for the studying, schoolwork, travel, and organization required for these classes that I forgot to get excited that all I have left is student teaching plus one other class this fall and I will be a licensed teacher with a masters degree. (!)
This educational field trip was brought to you by a couple thousand frequent flier miles, 22 days of parking, 8 states, 6 airplanes, 3 rental cars, 2 hotels, 2 dog sitters, a cat sitter and 2 grandparents--and a partridge in a pair tree. Did I miss anything?
9 January
only meant to turn the thermostat down a couple degrees last night, not turn it off. Woke to a 54° house this morning. That's a 3 dog night!
10 January
is on the hunt for scholarships again. I need to get my studying in for licensure coming up in less than two weeks, get my act together to apply for student teaching by 2/15, find sponsors for our upcoming Tell Me A Story event on 2/27, and be ready to see my husband hopefully by our 21st wedding anniversary. I'm posting my to-do list so you can all hold me accountable for it--haha!
Oh and one more thing--I gotta change my profile pic to a duck. In honor of amphibian phans all across the pacific northwest.
My boys are growing up so fast. Caleb Arnold just asked me to cut off inches of his hair and Connor Arnold is out collecing job applications. Now if only he would let me get near him with the scissors and if Caleb was old enough to get a job . . .
back to being a BSU fan!
11 January
It sure is hard to give up independence once you've experienced it. I offered to drive the boys to school today because it's pretty slick out there (as if I could do any better--shhh don't tell them) and you should have seen the look on Connor's face! Priceless! (Maybe he knows?)
Hey HHT--come to the FRG meeting tonight at 6pm at the FRC. I am leading a workshop and I want to see you there :)
12 January
is going to have to break down and start a blog. So many things to say; so few characters in which to say it.
question for bloggers out there--do you or do you not add ads to your blogs that you write? Why or why not?
13 January
14 January
My home needs an extreme makeover. Time to move that bus--or bust that move, rather! Crank up the music . . .
Ambidextrous sketching creeps me out.
15 January
Warning to pavement--you are about to be pounded! Then I'll get to the housecleaning I said I was going to do yesterday.
can take a hint. The 2nd baking dish just broke. I am not supposed to bake stuff.
16 January
Dear facebook, Please quit recording the first part of everything I say on my friends' statuses on my wall. I've been very patient with every other invasion of privacy and have taken it upon myself to proactively prevent problems, but this is just taking it too far. Sincerely, chris
I'm pretty sure I just heard Connor Arnold mutter "sorry" to the guy he just killed on his video game.
17 January
my homage to Martin Luther King Jr. today seems best summed up in the opening number of the 2009 ID International pageant. My intro is last (but has nothing to do with MLKJr. It's all about the song!) mms://
18 January
Oh yeah? And then what?
I want my baby back!!
Just discovered that facebook chat works on my phone thanks to Kevin Piper. But evidently, tagging friends in statuses does not.
19 January
Treasure Valley friends--take a look at today's Groupon and support local business. Our friend Darrin Sligar and family own these stores and are great people! :) Lux Fashion Lounge Deal of the Day | Groupon Boise

is at the orthodontist with Caleb who us "enjoying" his last moments with his braces!

could use prayers from all of you who pray. I'm taking state licensure testing on Saturday for my MAT Special Ed. Then I'll have student teaching in the fall. Yeah, prayers would be good :)
Coming in Gate 7 tonight, there was a flashing sign that said, "Homecoming ceremony: family parking ahead." I don't know who's coming home, but I'm super excited for whoever it is :) Welcome home, soldiers!
20 January
All your questions about Terra Nova (DODEA standardized testing for studentsin grades 3-11) ANSWERED--Today at 11am at Jackson Elementary School on Fort Campbell. Come as my guest.
supposed to leave at 3am to catch a 6am flight out of Nashville. Really nervious about the current weather conditions and pretty sure it's not letting up any time before I have to leave. Trying to decide what to do . . .
wishes people would quit saying that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result." That's not a definition. It's maybe an avenue, but people keep saying it's a definition over and over!!
21 January
Made it safely to my destination. I'd like to thank the academy and of course @Scott Hollingsworth for ice skating all the way to the airport at 0300!!
is taking three state tests tomorrow from 7:30 til about 5. Got coffee?
22 January
Well, it's all over but the cryin'!
Can somebody tell me what "tagged" means? I logged into an old email account to find out I've been bought and set free by people I've never even heard of.
23 January
Today's confession--I get a cheap thrill out of that little feeling you get when the plane makes a sudden drop in the air. That and the moving walkways.
was pretty humbled by the soldier who sat behind me on the plane today when he apologized for eavesdropping on the conversaton I had with my seat mate and said "thank you" to me for staying married to my husband during a deployment. He wasn't so lucky. Godspeed back to Afghanistan tomorrow, soldier.

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