Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deployment Journal Month 11

(Just a reminder--this is from 2011)

Feb 24
Super excited to share with Fort Campbell's 8th graders and their parents tonight at Fort Campbell High School at 6:30pm in the Commons! If you have an 8th grader and haven't RSVPed, it's not too late. Email PtoP.Campbell@MilitaryChild.or​g. Prayers appreciated for a great turnout and to put many parents' and students' fears to rest.
Had the terrible consequences all imagined in her head. On the 2nd to the busiest day of the week, she drove off post oblivious to the absence of her purse containing every scrap of her identity until reaching down to grab it at the store. She imagined having to hire the secret service to retrieve it for her, but as luck would have, she wasn't the first person to have commited this oversight . . .
although the tornado warning seems to be isolated to Clarksville (as opposed to Fort Campbell area) and I'm blissfully unaffected by it as of yet, I'm reminded that the last tornado warning we had was the day our guys left, which means, if it's becoming tornado season again, their homecoming is getting closer =D
Feb 25
Stood before one giant last night and facing another one in a couple of days. It's hard to hear the Voice of truth when it's so much softer than the giants'.
Guess who's kid beat out all the other regional participants in German Writing at this year's Regional Foreign Language Competition??
Feg 26
I love the smell of my youngest child cooking breakfast in the morning. There's nothin' in the world smells like that =D
made a preemptive strike with ibuprofen. Remind me not to help organize any public events for at least . . . 6 months or so. Thanks.
Feb 27
Giant #2 is goin' down today! I think I've got one stone left :)
Had an amazing turnout at Tell Me A Story today! Thank you to all of you who came out--Gateway Student Ministries, Bobbie Marie Gregg, Katie Neely, &Gateway Christian Church
Feb 28
gets one lazy day today and is not going to blow it by trying to be productive or anything crazy like that!
Mar 1
was about to chastise Caleb Arnold for being too picky on his ice scraping this morning; and then was really about to let him have it when, after he finished my car, he didn't get in right away. He was scraping Connor Arnold's windows so it would be ready when he left for school. Instead I said, "That is one of the most loving, brotherly things you could have done for Connor!"
Mar 2
is juggling. But if you look closely, you'll see that I'm actually just dropping balls and replacing them with sharp, dangerous objects.
Mar 3
I discovered that somebody recorded a demonic, gutteral "rawr" on my phone that plays whenever somebody sends me a facebook message. You're gonna try it now, aren't you? Caleb comes to the top of the list as a suspect =/
Mar 4
Hey everyone, Nothing Rhymes with Orange is performing for the first time at Fort Campbell High School's talent show at 6pm. I just made a facebook page for the band--you should "like" them!!
They just finished their one-song set! Sounds much better on stage than in my garage ;)
to the girls who were sitting behind me, and anyone else who thinks it makes you look better when you degrade other people--the only person it makes look bad is you! You're too beautiful to let such ugly words come out of your mouth :(
Mar 5
I just finished filing my taxes with TaxACT, you can try it for free:
Mar 6
has always loved the ending of episode 17; season 1 of LOST! It's the best TV writing in existence :)
Mar 7
The muscle soreness is just settling in from my first attempt at hula in many months. Ouch!
Mar 8
You know who understands that love is an action and not just a word?? Our military supporters--that's who!! They are love personified and there's no other way to put it
When you go to your profile look at the first 6 friends in the sidebar: what if they were your team for the Zombie Apocalypse? Mine: Ross Knudsen, Katheryn Light,Cindy Turner, Mikayla Twite, Melanie Keene Twite, & Paxton Tupper. We'd pretty much kick zombie butt--I'm pretty sure.
Mar 9
It was touch-n-go for awhile, but Nothing Rhymes with Orange--rather HALF of NRWO-- is performing tonight at Gateway Christian Church at 7pm or sometime thereafter!
paid respects to some of the best at the Eagle Remembrance Ceremony today.
Mar 10
I'm ridiculously excited for having a legit excuse to buy myserlf some platform boots, bell-bottoms or stiff polyester minidress (not too mini, mind you!) with crazy psychadellic patterns all for the good cause of helping out at the VICE night fundraiser tomorrow night!! Thanks OSC and Magen Kelley Roberts for the groovy opportunity :)
I'm sure lots of parents out there would also want to hear their child say, "Hey Mom, I'm getting really good at knife throwing!"--Caleb Arnold
‎"Do you see what happens??" Connor Arnold glared at Caleb Arnold. "When I do what you tell me to do, I always die!"
Mar 12
‎"Doesn't matter what you heard; 'Impossible' is not a word. Just a reason for someone not to try!"—Kutless
Mar 14
I'm pretty impressed that my kids go to Financial Peace University every week with me. In fact, it was Connor Arnold's idea :) If only every teenager had this information before graduating high school . . .
Mar 15
Ready to lead our Early Literacy workshop on "Owen & Mzee," a remarkable story about 2 unlikely friends--a hippo and a tortoise!
is settling down with a loaded inkpen to fill out some scholarship applications. Somehow, i'm not scheduled to go anywhere this evening and I intend to stay put, my pen my only companion!
Mar 16
Now hiring: secretary. Must be available 24/7, like to clean, and not require a paycheck. Only serious inqiries please
Mar 17
Would like to say Happy St. Patrick's Day to Patty Hanaway, Pat Hanon, Patty Colvin, Patti Chromey, Pat Kelly, Patrick Bowler, Patti Gray, & Patti Faber. Just 'cuz :)
Resisted the urge to yell at my neighbor, who is washing his car in the uncharacteristically warm, sunny weather we're having today, 'If it rains, we're all blaming YOU!!"
Went to the library to look for 4 books--the authors' last names were Obama, Palin, Wright, and Beck. Two had waiting lists for them. Two were on the shelf. I may have to become a democrat ;-)
Mar 18
gave Connor Arnold a funny look when he called our cat a "fascist, chauvinistic kitty." Chauvinistic? Really?
Would anyone in CA, NV, TX, or AZ like to buy a $19.99 gift card from me to 99c Only? It's for a good cause! We're trying to do something nice for our soon-to-be-returning soldiers but we don't have these stores anywhere near us.
Mar 19
is going to spend all tomorrow afternoon addressing Connor's graduation invitations, so don't bother me, OK?
I thought the moon was supposed to be phenomenally huge tonight. Looks pretty average to me ;-)
Mar 21
At the risk of inadvertently advertising for Kellogg's cereal, I gotta agree with Connor: It's marketed as crack for kids!!
Mar 22
Our first group of soldiers made it home today!! Welcome home TORCH!!
You mean, you'll put down your rock and I put down my sword and we try to kill each other like civilized people?"
Mar 23
Well, Caleb Arnold and I have the house to ourselves for the next 5 days whileConnor Arnold goes to Washginton DC with Fort Campbell High School's Model UN team! I hope we can keep ourselves out of trouble ;-)
is gonna blow this popsicle stand!

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