Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deployment Journal Month 7

(circa 2010)

24 October
Today is a day to celebrate! It's been 6 months since I last hugged my husband and I'm that much closer to hugging him again. Plus, it's Sunday and that's a great day to acknowledge the greatness of my God.

‎"mom. moo-oom. MOOOOM!!"
"WHAT????!!! I told you to you could watch it without me. I'm in the bathroom!"
"But this episode of Monk is about Willie Nelson."
*sigh* "I'll be right there."

26 October

thinks you should bring your kids to the RF Sink Library at Fort Campbell this morning for Story time at 10:30. Yes, I'm talking to you! :)

FYI-- accident on Tiny Town east bound.

Got to hang with the coolest ladies and hold the cutest babies tonight! :)

27 October

Must the spiders in Kentucky be so big? And . . . hairy? The cat thought we had bought it a new toy =/ And must the dog insist on eating from the garbage? Without a fork? We do feed him =/

28 October

I'm leading my first full-length workshop by myself tonight at West Creek Middle School at 5:30 on "Avoiding Homework Hassles." Check out Military Child Education Coalition for more info if you would like me to lead a workshop for your group. I should be good and practiced after tonight!

29 October

Should probably finally carve the pumpkins for the little ghosts and goblins tomorrow night. But i'd just rather do nothing.

30 October

just switched the thermostat from AC to heat. Here we go . . .

And if anyone sees a length of gauzy ribbon with black spiders on it blowing through our neighborhood, could you please return it to me. I kinda skimped on the halloween deco this year and was counting on that for scare factor . . .

guess it's time to break out the Dorothy costume. Here they come!

wishes Young Frankenstein was on Netflix streaming or that it had been placed in the queue in time for Halloween. Maybe next year.

31 October

Has learned that when Connor gets in the mood to clean; it's best to just get out of his way; -)

1 November

Why is the Laffy Taffy always gone?

2 November
If you're going to get poinsettias anyway this year, consider helping Connor raise money to attend Model United Nations in March. This website doesn't list the one he'll be attending, but gives some info on the program. If you don't live near us, consider donating a poinsettia to a worthy organization! They are $10 and you get a choice of white or red personally delivered. 

I'm proud of all my friends who voted. Me? I actually don't know where I am registered. My license is ID. my car is registered in MN. My address is KY. I do my shopping in TN . . .

3 November

There's nothin' that a hundred men on Mars could ever do.

5 November

Caleb is standing in the middle of the mall, people walking by all around him and he's trying out every dance move he knows--cabnage patch, pop, disco, the robot . . . The things you can only do on a Ps3 playing PlayStation Home.

6 November

participated in a "first" today. Thanks to her crazy neighbors Melissa Leonguerrero and Michelle ProudofmySoldier Driver and the fearless determination of Connor Arnold and Caleb Arnold, despite having to look the other way a few times, has Christmas lights adorning the outside of the house Gonna try and resist the urge to turn them on before Thanksgiving.

watching Invictus and Caleb asks if I would mind if he wanted to play rugby. Well, it doesn't require much equipment (read: protection) so we'd save money there--why not?

9 November
is excited to attend the awards ceremony tonight for the Kentucky New Era/Rotary Regional Academic All-Star Team, of which Connor Arnold was nominated as a candidate for the Fort Campbell High School team in Fine Arts. So can anyone tell me this: Does he have to wear a tie with a 3-piece suit???
10 November

I changed my profile picture in honor of my favorite veteran AND birthday boy! Happy 42nd Birthday today Corey Arnold! We love and miss you but we're so proud of you too

11 November

is going to take the boys out to celebrate Corey Arnold's birthday and Connor Arnold's academic achievements!

Had the coolest thing happen at the Cold Stone Creamery on Tiny Town. We got up to the register to pay and the cashier told us that the guy in front of us left enough money to pay for whoever came behind him! He was long gone, so we couldn't thank him. But we can hardly wait to pay it forward . .
12 November

woke this morning to the sounds of my kitchen being cleaned and the laundry being folded. OK, I didn't really hear the laundry getting folded. I love my kids!

14 November

was trying to come up with some creative discipline for Caleb when I saw the gallon size freezer bag in the freezer, filled with water sporting a nice green apple suspended in the liquid until he said he had always wanted to make an ice sculpture with an apple in it. I kinda wanna see how this turns out . . .

17 November

hopin' to earn my spurs this weekend. Yeah, you read that right :)

18 November

Glammin' it up tonight with the ladies of the 1-32 Cav! Just in time to get dirty, muddy, and sweaty at the spur ride Saturday!! (Before . . . and after!!)

19 November

needs to quit talking about it and just order the text books already!

20 November

is grateful for my MK Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover to get the camo off my face! Got to play GI Jane today and earned my spurs with the 1-32's finest :)

isn't supposed to have favorites, but really likes Murdock the best. Hannibal's ok too, but Murdock just makes the A team, doesn't he?

If you have a problem. If you can find them. Maybe you can hire . . . The A-team!

22 November

after arguing with Connor about the meaning of the suffix -y, I finally asked him what his point was. He couldn't remember. But he sure did wear me down arguing about whatever it was.

23 November

is enjoying the best cup of coffee courtesy of Corey Arnold sent from half way around the world. Flavor? Cinnabon. (So what if I could have gone down the street to get it myself???)

Wanted to throw a tantrum after the 2nd dropped call with Corey so I stomped out to the car n time to hear Def Leppard's "Animal" followed by volunteers from Operation Christmas Child sharing their testimony how Christ changed their lives on 105.5 The Rock.

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