Thursday, August 23, 2012

Deployment Journal Month 8

(Apologies for the sketchy formatting.  2010)

24 November
I am thankful for this deployment! Yep I am. It has forced me to find things within myself that I didn't know I had--like the know-how to get the internet up and running again (with help from "Jeff" with AT&T) or to tackle tough issues with my boys that would have been all too easy to deflect to Dad. But I'm most thankful that today, it is 7/12ths of the way THROUGH!!!!
I bought two cans of condensed milk yesterday. I *know* I did. Where did they go??
25 November
So Connor pretty much rocks! He got the Thanksgiving parade up on the interwebz and hooked it up to our TV! And Caleb is rockn' the kitchen circuit!
is a cotton-headed ninny muggins =/
26 November
probably missed a whole lot of great deals by sleeping through all the middle-of-the-night shopping, but I am so much more rested than my die-hard shopping counterparts :)
Can't wait the see Courtney Collins on stage!!
27 November
C'mon BSU!!! Your best plays are always at the end . . . Thanks Rik Halsteen for keeping me updated in the land of no western college football fans!
must have exceptionally classy friends. Not a single post slamming any BSU player though evidentally, the sentiment exists among others' friends. Go Broncos!!
was glad that Caleb Arnold asked, "What is this we're listening to?" because it gave me the chance to answer, "JACK FM. They play anything." Also grateful to Connor Arnold for pointing out that I was just about to miss our exit knowing the next one is a whopping 13 miles down the road!
Share your photo on the VH1 Divas Salute the Troops Mosaic. I did! See my pic here -
28 November
just finished the tedious task of copying and pasting 3 month's worth of statuses into a Word document because it's the closest thing I have to a journal since Corey left, while Caleb Arnold attempted to describe in detail the flairs that he found hilarious. This prompted Connor Arnold to recommend that I start a blog. Good advice--about 7 months too late though.
29 November
Caleb Arnold's teacher asked his class today "Why do you argue with your parents?" He answerd, "Because I have OCD!" Connor Arnold pointed out that if he OCD, the house would always be clean and we'd probably never argue ;-)
will have to expect the beagle to "sneak" into my room tonight. He's a brave, brave dog--except when it thunders ;-) I just pretend I don't know he's there :)
30 November
really doesn't understand all your posts about politics + college football. But then again, is still not convinced that there are not a hundred men on mars either . . .
they have chocolate covered everything-you-can-think-of except the ONE thing I have been trying to find for weeks!! Seriously?
30 November
If you live close to Barkley Elementary on Fort Campbell, and you're free from 11-noon, I'm leading a workshop tomorrow on helping parents help their kids with math. I know you're wondering how you can help your kids with their math!
1 December
"You want fame? Well fame costs. And right here is where you start paying for it! Sweat!" I have to say the remake of Fame wasn't too bad--except now I have the strange compulsion to break out in a spontaneous lunchroom performance (complete with sound equipment).
2 December
It's so hard keeping my email inbox cleaned =/
Connor Arnold is grounded forever and a HALF!! He knows that stupid Paul McCartney song is on my Cindy Breninger's Christmas Song Game list and I barely avoided a catastrophe thanks to the sneaky and unscrupulous Tim Kylander, but NO!! He had to go and play it for me! I hope you enjoy being GROUNDED, Connor!!
4 December
Waiting for Connor to emerge from his SAT's. . .
didn't really have a favoirte cartoon when I was a kid. I preferred the Afterschool Special they'd sometimes air, but I"m all in favor of ending child abuse--not with more abuse though!
didn't really have a favoirte cartoon when I was a kid. I preferred the Afterschool Special they'd sometimes air, but I"m all in favor of ending child abuse--not with more abuse though!
found the most perfect Christmas present for my littlest neice today! I'm sorry Tim and Lisa Arnold Fox, but I got it more for me than for her ;-)
5 December
However, you can send some cards to the hospital chaplain. They can't distribute them, but can put them in an area for anyone to take. I would leave the cards unsealed so they can inspect them and include a letter or note to the chaplain that the cards are for the soldiers. My husband and I went to Walter Reed last year and gave several cards to a chaplain to make available to the soldiers.
"la-BOR-a-tory. That is how Dexter says is, so that is how I am going to say it." -- Connor Arnold
6 December
is thankful to whoever was responsible for shortening "I am going to" to "Imma." What a timesaver!
needs a cloan. Or a secretery. Or a wife!
7 December
A day that will live in infamy . . .
*Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
*Turn to page 56.*Find the fifth sentence.
*Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall.
*Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual.
. . . use the closest book.
Mine: It is a pleasant city and there are many opportunities for all ages.
doesn't have the foggiest idea how to care for a poinsettia! Why can't they live outside? Aren't they winter plants? And what am I gonna do with it after Christmas?
8 December
What if two people message you with the same number? What then?
Hey, if your kids attend Jackson Elementary, you're invited to a workshop tomorrow at 11 led by Yours Truly =D I hope to see you there!
after Connor Arnold concluded his long dissertation on cellular respiration, I couldn't help but tell him that I missed something and could he start over, please?
10 December
Is proud of the kids from Fort Campbell High School who instigated and participated in "Dress Fancy Day."
Please don't ever let me volunteer to make and bring sugar cookies to anything ever again. Ever.
11 December
about to open presents with the boys that Corey sent to us! Trying to decide if it's worth the frustration of a Skype Christmas, or if we should just video it and send it later :) Technology really is awesome!
"That is just an old wives' tale. You can't really die just from looking at a ninja." –Me
noticed that my kids don't mind eating their vegetables in the video games they play.
12 December
This sure ain't Minnesota! School already called on account of snow :}
13 December
was Christmas shopping and heard a mom say, "My children are just priceless."
"Now I wouldn't say that," I assured her. "They're just a little expensive. That's all!"
14 December
Why can't school start at 9:25 am every day? Every day except Saturday and Sunday, of course. Oh and holidays and vacations . . .
Got cut off during a phone call with Corey this morning followed by an email/text saying, "At least I got to tell u that I love u!" Go ahead--you know you wanna say, "Awwwwww, how sweet!"
better be able to find a privacy setting that prevents the things I post on other peoples' statuses from showing up on my profile--correction--only the first part of my comment from showing up! It's just wrong for someone to read that I posted on a guy's status that I broke down and bought the Pill . . . Especially when the rest of that is supposed to read . . .sbury refrigerated cookie dough!!
15 December
The ice rain cometh.
16 December
Isn't officially concerned about body scanning at the airport, but really thinks minors' parents should be notified beFORE sending kids through. anyone?
17 December
Back to Minnesota nice :-)
18 December
enjoyed watching my boys decorate the Christmas tree with my nephews!
19 December
definitely loves local theater. We just saw an awesome performance of the Nutcracker put on by the local talent of Grand Rapids, MN at the Reif Center! I thought they had brought in a Co. from Duluth or the Cities :)
20 December
Connor Arnold talked me into watching Inception and hopefully Caleb Arnold won't be tempted to tell me what happens (since they've both seen it already). Wish me luck!
21 December
hoping the get 3 things accomplished while I'm in northern MN (besides all the school assignments that are due by the 27th) 1. Ice fishing 2. XC skiing with my fave sis in law Lisa Arnold Fox 3. curling--and not talking about my hair!
Cross Country Skiing with Lisa Arnold Fox? check!
22 December
cannot understand why Caleb Arnold would not do her schoolwork for her =/
23 December
Jesus is not the reason for the season- I am.
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst." Paul of Tarsus (1 Tim. 1:15)
(great paradigm shift,
Mike Yunker)

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